Triple-S Conference Papers
Triple-S: What Now?
New Readers Begin Here – Keith Hughes, The Triple-S Group / Merlinco Ltd.
Triple-S: alternatives, possibilities, choices – Steve Jenkins, The Triple-S Group / Snap Surveys Ltd.
Thoughts from the Shire – Geoff Wright, The Triple-S Group / Computable Functions.
That’s interesting. What else can it do? How well can summary analysis be described in Triple-S without modification – Patrick Cain, Snap Surveys Ltd.
Using Left-Right Trees for Hierarchic Data Storage – Dale Chant and Roland Seidel, Red Centre Software Pty Ltd.
Help – I’ve lost my grid! How to improve Triple-S XML: A Confirmit approach – Margarita Madrid, Confirmit.
Handling Multiple Country Input Data Streams with SSS XML – Steve Taylor, WeWorkWithData Ltd.
Papers given at the Triple-S One Day Conference held on Wednesday 21st September 2011 at Wills Hall, Bristol University.

The Triple-S Standard – Geoff Wright, The Triple-S Group / Computable Functions.
Paper given to the Association for Survey Computing Conference ‘Open Standards: Breaking down the Barriers’, Imperial College, London UK. 19th September 2002.

Quan Products – Communicating with the outside world – Mark Katz.
Paper given to the SPSS / MR user group meeting, London UK. 5-6th September 2002.

Open Standards for the Research Industry – Nancy Tienhaara, DASHcati Sotware Ltd.
Triple-S XML: A standard within a standard – Keith Hughes, Stephen Jenkins and Geoff Wright, The Triple-S Group.
Papers given to the Association for Survey Computing Third International Conference, ‘Leading Survey and Statistical Computing into the New Millennium’, Edinburgh UK. 22-24th September 1999.

The Triple-S Survey Interchange Standard: The story so far – Steve Jenkins, The Triple-S Group / Snap Surveys Ltd.
Paper given to the Association for Survey Computing Second International Conference, Imperial College, London UK. 12-13th September 1996.

Data Use and Reuse: The Movement and Use of Survey Data across Different Hardware and Software Platforms – Peter Wills, Snap Surveys Ltd.
Paper given to the International Conference of The Study Group on Computers in Survey Analysis, Bristol UK. 1992.